Sounds like Dopamine marketing, any relation?
DHT makes you:
Confident (to go all out, even if things might not seem optimal at that moment. Being "scared" will hold you back.)
Energized (to do what needs to be done)
Aggressive (to pursue goals)
Die-hard (not giving up and quitting when things get hard)
Androgens powerfully increase dopamine. When you block this, the effects of androgens are reduced. But aside from that, DHT has other benefits that dopamine doesn't have.
Sounds like Dopamine marketing, any relation? DHT makes you: Confident (to go all out, even if things might not seem optimal at that moment. Being "scared" will hold you back.) Driven Motivated Energized (to do what needs to be done) Aggressive (to pursue goals) Die-hard (not giving up and quitting when things get hard) Steve
Androgens powerfully increase dopamine. When you block this, the effects of androgens are reduced. But aside from that, DHT has other benefits that dopamine doesn't have.