Another great post, Hans.
On the nature of food, so to speak.
All food was, until recently, natural. Id est, one could take it from any garden, farm, or reserve and either eat it immediately or process it for different taste, hygeine, storage or other reason.
Forgetting today's completely artificially produced "foods," there are two sources of food, to wit, plants and animals.
There is life (as we know it) on this planet alone. There is an environment for life on this planet alone. Given that animate spirit (life) cannot be put into inanimate matter, ie, organic matter cannot be part of this dead universe, it seems for us ridiculously placed here that the fantasy of gasses being retained and maintained for an impossible atmosphere, life might seem an impossiblity, an instance of "scientific" immaculate conception more preposterous than the one usually given that phrase.
To sustain this fantasy of life and living in this dead universe we cannot eat the planet (dirt,ground), itself, but things which eat it and impossibly grow out of it - plants - and things, which eat those plants, and sometimes other animals. As a .
1 comment
Another great post, Hans. On the nature of food, so to speak. All food was, until recently, natural. Id est, one could take it from any garden, farm, or reserve and either eat it immediately or process it for different taste, hygeine, storage or other reason. Forgetting today's completely artificially produced "foods," there are two sources of food, to wit, plants and animals. There is life (as we know it) on this planet alone. There is an environment for life on this planet alone. Given that animate spirit (life) cannot be put into inanimate matter, ie, organic matter cannot be part of this dead universe, it seems for us ridiculously placed here that the fantasy of gasses being retained and maintained for an impossible atmosphere, life might seem an impossiblity, an instance of "scientific" immaculate conception more preposterous than the one usually given that phrase. To sustain this fantasy of life and living in this dead universe we cannot eat the planet (dirt,ground), itself, but things which eat it and impossibly grow out of it - plants - and things, which eat those plants, and sometimes other animals. As a .